Monday 26th May 2020
- COVID Information for Trainees and Trusts
- HEE Video on Public Health
- Doctors for the NHS essay prize
- Dates for your Diary
- Useful Links
The UKFPO have issued revised ARCP guidance for the reviews taking place before August 2020. Please refer to the guidance and any other updates on the UKFPO website:
- Applying for your Full Registration
Please note the Foundation school will notify the GMC of any Doctor eligible for Full Registration following a successful F1 ARCP Outcome but it is entirely the trainees responsibility to make the application and pay the relevant fees, and failure to do so may lead to a delay in your training. Please refer to the GMC website and guidance provided by them as to what you need to do and when:
COVID Information for Trainees and Trusts
HEE have put together a number of resources to guide trainees during the COVID-19 crisis which can be found here:
Public Health Domain in a minute
HEE have published a video on Public Health on their YouTube channel here:
The Doctors for the NHS essay prize
An opportunity has arisen, for all doctors in training, to submit an essay titled 'If i was Minister of Health...'. The prize for the best essay is £500 and will be published in the 'Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine'. (Subject to editorial approval) The closing date for submissions is 31st July 2020. Please see the website for more details.
NCELFS Management Committee
- Tuesday 6th October 2020 (2pm)
NWLFS Committee Meeting
- Thursday 24th Sept 2020 (2pm)
STFS Advisory & Development
- Thursday 10th September 2020 (10am)