Wednesday 11th January 2023

New Updates

SAVE THE DATE: London and KSS Foundation Programme Fair Friday 17th March 2023

We would like to announce that the Programme Fair for 2023 will be held on Friday 17th March 2023 and will be Face to Face with venue to be confirmed shortly.

We have emailed all trusts to ask them to confirm attendance and let us know who the primary contact at the Programme Fair will be, for each trust.

Please see below a copy of the link to the contact form. The form needs to be completed by Tuesday 31st Jan 2023.

The format of the day will be each trust will have a stand and lunch will be provided for HEE and trust staff on the day. In addition, there will also be separate rooms for trainees to attend Foundation School Director Talks at different times of the day. We will also have an admin/reception support as well as a stand trainees can drop into for asking school related questions.

We will provide more information as it becomes available and will also brief each trust at the school committee meetings ahead of the event.

We will also be updating our ‘Programme Fair’ pages on the Foundation school website in due course.          

As ever if you have any questions please contact us via: 

North London Foundation School Director (FSD) change

Dr Keren Davies, North London FSD, retired on 31st December 2022. We would like to thank Keren for her hard-work and dedication to Foundation training in London.

Dr Alice Carter has become Associate Dean/ FSD for North London. Ali is an ICM and anaesthetics consultant at UCLH in North London. She has previously worked as a Foundation TPD at UCLH, a Pan London ICM Lead TPD and also an Associate Dean with HEE, working on the Distribution Programme. Ali is very much looking forward to working with all those supporting Foundation training in London.

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health - Foundation Doctor Prize 2023

It’s the time of the year again when the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health requests all Foundation Schools to nominate their most outstanding Foundation Doctors with an interest in Paediatrics for the RCPCH Foundation Doctor Prize 2023.

Any London or KSS foundation doctor who wishes to be considered for nomination for this prize please complete the attached MS form by 5pm on Sunday 29th January 2023.                  

Further details can be found on the RCPH website:        

CV Review Service (Winter/Spring 2023)

Is your Clinical CV up to date? Would you like support in creating, updating or tailoring your CV? 

The Careers Unit is launching a CV checking service from end of January 2023. You can book a 30 minute online appointment with a HEE careers adviser to get advice on any aspect of your CV including;

  • Planning your CV layout and presentation 
  • Articulating your experience to reflect your skills and strengths 
  • Reviewing an existing CV for clinical applications e.g. specialty, ACF, fellowship, sub-specialty or consultant applications
  • Adapting an existing CV or creating a new one for portfolio or non-clinical roles


A requirement of accessing the service is that you are a doctor/ dentist and that:

Bookable slots are available on Thursday afternoons between 12.30pm and 2.30pm starting Thursday Jan 26th 2023, on a first come first served basis.

Fee: £0

To book your place, please Book here

Kind Regards

The Careers Team

Professional Development Team

London and Kent, Surrey & Sussex 

Reminders & Guidance

***IMPORTANT: F2 Responsible Officer Details***

F2’s are responsible to ensure they are connected to the correct Responsible Officer, this is usually your Post Graduate Dean, for more information or guidance please see: or contact is via PSP.


Please can we use this opportunity to remind trusts’ Medical Education colleagues to work with their Medical Staffing teams to regularly check foundation doctors’ posts on TiS, against internal records. Early recognition of any discrepancies can help us all to resolve issues quickly. Thanks.

REMINDER: What are the 2022-23 TAB (Team Assessment of Behaviour) window dates for London and KSS Foundation Schools?

The recommended dates for the remaining TAB rounds are detailed below but these dates are not mandatory. More information on the TAB process can be found on the Horus Website.

Placement 2

Opens: Friday 17th February 2023

Closes: Friday 31st March 2023


Placement 3

Opens: Thursday 20th April 2023

Closes: Monday 15th May 2023

REMINDER: Contacting the London and KSS Foundation Schools

There has recently been an increase in emails/messages being sent to personal inboxes. Please be reminded that contact with the Foundation Team in HET should be through the PGMDE Support Portal rather than to individuals email addresses or shared mailboxes. This will ensure that your query can be directed to the correct person within the team and dealt with as quickly as possible. Please click here to be directed to the PGMDE Support Portal.

Please do not use,, or personal HEE email addresses.

REMINDER: Foundation ALS Update

We can confirm that Trusts can continue to claim the costs of ALS courses for their Foundation doctors from the study leave budget for the 2022/23 financial year.

Please note that from 1st January 2022, ALS courses will only be reimbursed up to a maximum of £275 per foundation doctor.

As in the previous financial year we will not be providing bulk payments for these courses. Instead, we request that you claim for these courses once they are delivered via the locally-delivered tab on your study leave monthly return. Please note the usual rules for locally-delivered claims will apply – only doctors in a HEE-registered Foundation training programme can be reimbursed.

REMINDER: 2022/23 PSA FS dates

For all foundation doctors who will have not sat and passed the exam at Medical School or on the 6th September, they will sit the exam in person, with in person invigilation, on the following dates:

Monday 13th March 2023

Monday 24th April 2023

Please note the remaining dates for all PSA sittings (all held at 1pm):

GUIDANCE: Less Than Full Time (LTFT) Training for London and KSS

Please click the link below for guidance regarding Less Than Full Time (LTFT) training.

LTFT Guidance         

GUIDANCE: Foundation doctors in GP and psychiatry placements contributing to acute services

Please see below link for guidance regarding Foundation doctors in community placements contributing to acute services Foundation doctors in GP and psychiatry placements contributing to acute services

GUIDANCE: Foundation Doctor Role and Responsibilities

Please use the following link to the updated ‘Foundation Doctor Role and Responsibilities within the Local Education Provider and Minimum Requirements for Clinical Supervision of Foundation Doctors’, document.

Foundation Doctor Role and Responsibilities

GUIDANCE: Foundation guidance produced by the UKFPO for Foundation Doctors

Please find below link to guidance for Foundation Doctors recently produced by the UKFPO.

Click here for guidance

*Please note: This guidance does not apply to any foundation doctor who started either their F1 or F2 year on/after 4 August 2021, as they will be on the 2021 Foundation Programme curriculum. *

GUIDANCE: NHS employers’ guidance on induction for international medical graduates

Please find below link to guidance from NHS employers

UKFPO Bulletin

To read the latest UKFPO Bulletin access the link below:

Courses, Events, Research and Competitions

IMT Recruitment Event

An IMT recruitment event was recently held for anyone applying for IMT. Please find attached a link to the webinar:

National QI and Patient Safety Poster Competition 2023: 17th May 2023 (online)

See poster competition details and online entry form here:          

We have up to 160 poster places at our online conference. Successful entries receive:

- An invitation to give a live oral poster presentation* at a national conference on 17th May 2023 (poster entry deadline 3 March 2023)

- A discounted delegate rate of £169 (no VAT). Co-authors will also qualify for the discounted rate.

- A national poster competition presentation certificate with names of presenter(s) and authors

- There will be a first prize and runner up for each themed poster group

* 2-minute oral presentation followed by judge-led Q&A

Contact for more information

NEW DATES! V-Space groups for SuppoRTT Trainees 

We are pleased to announce new dates for the V-Space Coaching and Support Programme. V-Space is a virtual group space dedicated to support trainees who are planning to return to training or have recently returned to training after taking time out for a range of reasons, including maternity/parental leave, academic study, career break or medical leave.

“It was a great opportunity to express my current stresses within a group and find doctor-focused responses from the course leaders and members alike.”

The V-Space Coaching and Support Programme is a series of four group coaching and peer support sessions. The small groups meet online for 2.5 hours every fortnight and are led by a senior group coach from the Professional Support Unit’s Coaching Service. V-Space offers a supportive, confidential and structured learning environment for peer discussion. Each session draws on a range of practical coaching tools for self-reflection, goal-setting, enhanced confidence, stress management and leadership communication. 

V-Space features:

Semi-structured facilitated group coaching sessions

Guest speaker slots ‘in conversation with’ trainees who share their experience of returning to training

Peer support in small breakout room discussions plus WhatsApp group for connecting with peers in between sessions

Coaching tools & resources to support you as you move back into training.

Spaces are limited to 14 participants per group so please book early to avoid disappointment.

You can book by using the links below:

Group 6 - Starts 26th October 2022 -

Group 7 - Starts 4th January 2023 -

Group 8 - Starts 18th January 2023 -

Group 9 - Starts 23rd January 2023 -

Group 10 - Starts 9th February 2023 -

Group 11 - Starts 10th February 2023 -

GUM Taster day: Recording available

The Health Education GUM team recently held a GUM Taster day which was attended by 185 trainees. If you were unable to attend the team invite you to write in as to grant you access to the recording for day which was held virtually.

This recording can be accessed by contacting the GUM team by emailing and ask for access to the recording which has been broken down into four parts and can be downloaded to watch in your own time.

Access the point of care tool BMJ Best Practice for free

BMJ Best Practice takes you quickly and accurately to the latest evidence-based information, whenever and wherever you need it.

Our step-by-step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention is updated daily using robust evidence-based methodologies. 

This tool is freely available to all healthcare professionals who work for the NHS in England. You can register for free here

If your institution would like to receive further information on BMJ Best Practice, please contact Dr. Kieran Walsh, Clinical Director at BMJ. Dr. Walsh can deliver talks for Foundation Programme doctors at their training sessions or provide information on areas such as the local HEE/BMJ clinical champion scheme. Contact Dr. Kieran Walsh at  

New video resource for foundation doctors

A new video for all foundation, foundation schools and trusts, helping them to understand more about the Foundation Programme Charter, has been shared.

Please click here to launch the Foundation Programme Charter video.

Further videos including Foundation Programme Review and Self Development time can also be found here

NHS Induction Programme for International Medical Graduates - e-learning for health

The National Induction programme has been designed to ensure that all international medical graduates (IMGs) recruited to the NHS are welcomed, valued, and supported as they transition to UK clinical practice.

Please use the following link to access the programme

Foundation Careers Unit

Careers Conversation

All foundation trainees have the opportunity to have an individual careers conversation with one of our career coaches which can be arranged by completing the application form at the following link:

FY2 - Preparing for Speciality interviews/F3 Options Stream Videos

Please see below links to the recent webinar recordings delivered to F2 trainees on preparing for speciality applications/interview & F3 options

FY2 Webinar - Preparing for Specialty applications and Interviews-20220914_180522-Meeting Recording.mp4

F3 Options Webinar-20221006_180437-Meeting Recording.mp4

Self Awareness | London (

Career Exploration | London (

Useful links

Courses (all)


Horus - Changes and updates