Welcome to all our new doctors and congratulations on securing a programme with the London Foundation School! This is a very exciting time. We hope that you are now settling into your new roles.
Welcome to those that have just been allocated to the London Foundation School. It’s an exciting time. Hope all is going well with programme preferencing for those that are undergoing that process.
This bulletin is to help share updates from the London Foundation School. There is information about applying to work less than full time, study leave and how to contact the doctor representatives. Please do take some time to read it.
It’s been a busy couple of weeks. The sun is starting to shine though and it feels like Spring is finally on its way.
Preference Informed Allocation (PIA) went live on 7th March and 1080 individuals have been recruited to standard Foundation Programme in London, starting August 2024. This is more than we were initially expecting so we are working closely with trusts on some new exciting programmes. Very grateful to everyone who has been involved with this.