Simon Rosan's blog

Wednesday 23rd August 2023

New Updates

Foundation Doctor School Reps

We will be recruiting to F1 Foundation Doctor School Reps only. Comms will be sent this week by email to F1 doctors regarding this year’s recruitment process.

Foundation Doctor Trust Reps

Comms will be sent this week by email to trusts regarding the collection of foundation doctor trust reps details.

***IMPORTANT***F2 GMC Responsible Officer

Wednesday 9th August 2023

New Updates

***IMPORTANT****F2 GMC Responsible Officer

FY2 doctors are responsible to ensure they are connected to the correct Responsible Officer, this is usually your Post Graduate Dean. For more information or guidance please see: or contact us via PSP.

National F1 Induction Survey

Wednesday 26th July 2023

New Updates

**Highly Important**Provisionally registered doctors (foundation year one/F1) must not undertake formal locum posts or activities.
