Wednesday 25th August 2021

New Updates

Foundation guidance produced by the UKFPO for Foundation Trainees

Please find below link to guidance for Foundation Trainees recently produced by the UKFPO.

Click here for guidance

Updated ARCP Requirement Guidance

Updated ARCP guidance has been published for trainees on 2016 Foundation Programme curriculum for ARCPs taking place between 1 October 2021 and 31 July 2022

ARCP Requirements Guidance – 2021-22 trainees on 2016 curriculum     

*Please note: This guidance does not apply to any trainee who started either their F1 or F2 year on/after 4 August 2021, as they will be on the 2021 Foundation Programme curriculum.*

Save the date: Foundation Trainee Conference 2021

Preparations are underway for our next Foundation Trainee Conference to be held on 21 September 2021, 09:00-12:30 via Zoom.

Following on from four hugely successful events, we will be back virtually exploring routes into psychiatry

Sessions and workshops include:

  • Making the most of your foundation training
  • F3 years and more
  • Specialty elevator pitches and Q&A
  • The impact of Covid-19 on foundation training
  • RCPsych and Sustainability

Whether you’re committed to a career in psychiatry or are still on the fence, this event will help delegates to explore the many options available throughout foundation training and before entering specialty training.

Booking will open shortly on the College website, to receive a notification when bookings open, please email us at

Useful Information and Reminders

***IMPORTANT REMINDER: F2 Responsible Officer Details***

F2’s are responsible to ensure they are connected to the correct Responsible Officer, this is usually your Post Graduate Dean, for more information or guidance please see: or contact is via PSP.

What are the 2021-22 TAB (Team Assessment of Behaviour) window dates for London and KSS Foundation Schools?

The recommended dates for TAB are detailed below but these dates are not mandatory. More information on the TAB process can be found on the Horus Website.

Placement 1

Opens: Monday 4th October 2021

Closes: Tuesday 6th December 2021

Placement 2

Opens: Monday 14th February 2022

Closes: Tuesday 28th March 2022

Placement 3

Opens: Monday 18th April 2022

Closes: Friday 20th May 2022

F1 trainee induction programme questionnaire

The Severn Foundation School is coordinating a project for participation by all F1s. You are invited to complete an F1 trainee induction programme questionnaire. This survey is part of a long term project to identify any concerns/anxieties you may have about starting your F1 post. The information you provide will help to develop a realistic evaluation of the induction programme and help us to improve working life for future trainees.

To access the survey please log onto

If possible, please complete the survey in one sitting since you will not be able to access it later. It should only take you approximately 10 minutes to complete. The questionnaire is anonymous and your thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated.

A follow up survey will be sent to you in October 2021 to gauge how you are feeling as you gain further clinical exposure. The survey is open until 30th September 2021.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

Clare van Hamel

Severn Foundation School Director

2022 PSA FS dates

We have now contacted trusts separately who will need to make arrangements for their trainees who will be sitting the 7th September exam.

For the 7th September 2021 sitting, trainees who have not sat and passed the exam at Medical School will be able to sit the exam virtually. Trainees that have previously sat and not passed the exam will be required to sit subsequent attempts in person, with in person invigilation.

Please note the dates for all PSA sittings (all held at 1pm):

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Monday 14th March 2022

Friday 29th April 2022

Stuart Morris – Operations Manager

Stuart Morris, will be leaving the Foundation Team and HEE in September 2021 so please use PSP instead of his direct email to contact the Foundation School to avoid queries being lost.

Royal College of Pathologists Foundation Fellowships 2021

What are the RCPath Foundation Fellowships?

RCPath Foundation Fellowships are awarded by RCPath to eligible Foundation doctors on a competitive basis.

What are the benefits to Foundation Fellows?

The Foundation Fellows will receive the following benefits:

  1. Priority booking for the Foundation Taster Event/Path to Success event and may be selected to present their experience of their post there*.
  2. Opportunity to be selected to give a short presentation at the undergraduate summer school*.
  3. Receive the College Bulletin over the course of their Foundation years, and opportunity for some to be featured in it.
  4. Free attendance at College educational meetings relevant to their specialty*.
  5. Opportunities to attend their regional RCPath Committee meetings as observers, if they so wish, and to the regional annual symposia*.
  6. Attendance at RCPath science communication training and opportunities to participate in/organise events for National Pathology Week*.
  7. Foundation Fellows will receive a College certificate indicating their Foundation Fellow status.

*Subject to being able to book study leave.

Who is eligible to apply?

All FY doctors who undertake a FY post with a pathology speciality as part of the rotation are eligible to be considered for an RCPath Foundation Fellowship. Pathology includes all the disciplines which come under the remit of RCPath, including histopathology, medical microbiology & virology/infection, clinical biochemistry, immunology, haematology and others. To see a full list visit

How do I apply?

Eligible candidates should complete the on-line application form on the College website at RCPath Foundation Fellowships. The application deadline is 31 August 2021.

How will candidates be appointed?

Applications will be reviewed by RCPath in September 2021 and successful candidates will be awarded Foundation Fellow status. Successful Fellows will be announced around 30th September 2021.

New UK Foundation Programme Curriculum 2021

The Foundation Programme (FP) curriculum, which underpins the training and professional development of newly graduated doctors, relaunches for the first time in five years this summer.

Key points

The curriculum sets out a holistic approach to care including physical health, mental health and social health and the skills required to manage this in both acute and community settings and for patients with chronic conditions. Foundation doctors must demonstrate that they are competent in the traditional elements of medical training but also in areas such as communication and consultation skills, patient safety and teamwork. The curriculum provides a framework for educational progression that will help them achieve these skills and supports them through the first two years of professional development after graduation from medical school.

High standards of support and the importance of direct observation in the workplace feature strongly in the 2021 curriculum. It has a reduced number of higher-level outcomes and professional capabilities which means it is easier to follow and provides a more streamlined approach.

There are also changes for clinical and educational supervisors, who are required to have a better understanding of equality and diversity issues and have up to date CPD in foundation training.

Resources and further information

The UKFPO have put together a series of resources that will help trainees, trainers and foundation schools to understand what the new curriculum means for them.

To access these resources and for further information, please visit our website via 


Please review the resources via our website.

Please forward this email onto your networks.

We would like to thank everyone involved in the production and roll out of the new curriculum for your time and expertise!

If you have any queries or comments about the revised curriculum, please contact us via


Contacting the London and KSS Foundation Schools

There has recently been an increase in emails/messages being sent to personal inboxes. Please be reminded that contact with the Foundation Team in HET should be through the PGMDE Support Portal rather than to individuals email addresses or shared mailboxes. This will ensure that your query can be directed to the correct person within the team and dealt with as quickly as possible. Please click here to be directed to the PGMDE Support Portal.

Please do not use,, or personal inboxes.

UKFPO Bulletin

To read the latest UKFPO Bulletin access the link below:

Self-Development Time

Recommendation #14 of the foundation review was to ensure all foundation doctors have time formally included in their work schedules for non-clinical professional activities and that this would be called ‘self-development time’.

From August 2020, all English trusts with foundation doctors were required to include self-development time in the work schedules of foundation year two (FY2) and then if possible for foundation year one (FY1) doctors. FY2 doctors had a minimum of two hours per week self-development time. FY1 doctors also had a minimum of 1 hour although not mandatory.

After evaluating the first year of this scheme listening to feedback from trainees themselves and the system it has been determined that from August 2021 all FY1 and FY2 doctors will have a minimum of 2 hours on average per week of SDT time. The implementation of this has been planned with the wellbeing of doctors in mind, but also with the demands that are being placed upon service provision in mind.

Further information and case studies is available on

- New requirements on Self-Development Time for Foundation Doctors from 1 August 2021 - Self development time - NHS Employers

- Other Royal Colleges have recommendations on this area too for core and higher trainees – e.g. Educational Development Time - TSC Recommendations Feb 2021.pdf (

- Fines information for Guardians – when fines should be applied : Rota-rules-at-a-glance.pdf (

PSG Now Mandatory for all Foundation Trainees

Extract from Horus:

The importance of the Placement Supervision Group (PSG)

The UK FP Curriculum Delivery Group have developed a helpful one-page information sheet (available on the UKFPO’s Sharing Best Practice page) on the importance of using the PSG to gain robust feedback about all foundation doctors (and specifically not just those who may require additional support).

The PSG is part of the FP Curriculum 2016 and will be a part of the new curriculum as well.

Please make your Foundation Programme Directors (FPDs) and medical education managers aware of this guidance and encourage the use of the PSG feedback tools in the e-portfolios

Courses, Events, Research and Competitions

MRCP Part 1 training course

On 9th and 10th October 2021 there will be an MRCP part 1 course run at King’s College Hospital. The course has been running for over 15 years, organised by Dr Galloway (King’s College Hospital, London) and Dr Jones (Salford Royal, Manchester). The course will be hybrid with 20 face to face places, and 100 online places. The course is free to attend. Full details (including booking information) can be found online at The course is very intensive, and ideal for people who are planning to sit the exam in November. The course will run again in December 2021 in preparation for the January 2022 exams.

July 2021 update about the Foundation e-learning programme

Supervised Learning Events (SLE) are an essential part of your learning in your 2 foundation years. Do you know how to get the best out of them?  Even if you think you do, you could still get more by doing the SLE sessions now at the start of the year.

Available in the elearning for healthcare Foundation programme (2021 curriculum), these sessions cover areas in your curriculum on; FPC 10: Teaching the teacher and FPC 12: Continuing Professional Development:

You can sign on to the elearning with your login supplied by elearning for healthcare at any time during your foundation training:

HORUS and TURAS have deep links to elearning for healthcare sessions from the Foundation Curriculum and therefore accessible to all trainees, making it quicker and easy to access the appropriate session linked to the curriculum.

Updates to End of Life Care for All (e-ELCA) elearning

A new learning path for Foundation Doctors has been added to the End of Life Care for All (e-ELCA) elearning programme. The resource has been designed to be completed by doctors during placements to support their own learning and can also be signposted to by supervisors.

Useful links

Courses (all)


Horus - Changes and updates