Wednesday 24th August 2022

New Updates

F1 Induction Survey

The Severn Foundation School is coordinating a project for participation by all F1’s.

You are invited to complete an F1 trainee induction programme questionnaire. This survey is part of a long-term project to identify any concerns/anxieties you may have about starting your F1 post. The information you provide will help to develop a realistic evaluation of the induction programme and help us to improve working life for future trainees.

To access the survey please log onto

If possible, please complete the survey in one sitting since you will not be able to access it later. It should only take you approximately 10 minutes to complete. The questionnaire is anonymous, and your thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated.

A follow up survey will be sent to you in October 2022 to gauge how you are feeling as you gain further clinical exposure.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

Yours faithfully,

Clare van Hamel

Severn Foundation School Director

Health Education England – working across the Southwest

What are the 2022-23 TAB (Team Assessment of Behaviour) window dates for London and KSS Foundation Schools?

The recommended dates for TAB are detailed below but these dates are not mandatory. More information on the TAB process can be found on the Horus Website.

Placement 1

Opens: Friday 7th October 2022

Closes: Monday 5th December 2022

Placement 2

Opens: Friday 17th February 2023

Closes: Friday 31st March 2023

Placement 3

Opens: Thursday 20th April 2023

Closes: Monday 15th May 2023

Reminders & Guidance

***IMPORTANT: F2 Responsible Officer Details***

F2’s are responsible to ensure they are connected to the correct Responsible Officer, this is usually your Post Graduate Dean, for more information or guidance please see: or contact is via PSP.

REMINDER: Contacting the London and KSS Foundation Schools

There has recently been an increase in emails/messages being sent to personal inboxes. Please be reminded that contact with the Foundation Team in HET should be through the PGMDE Support Portal rather than to individuals email addresses or shared mailboxes. This will ensure that your query can be directed to the correct person within the team and dealt with as quickly as possible. Please click here to be directed to the PGMDE Support Portal.

Please do not use,, or personal HEE email addresses.

REMINDER: F1 Withdrawals

Please can we ask trusts to ensure that we are advised of any new F1’s who have withdrawn from training (if you’ve not already advised us already). Unfortunately, we aren’t always made aware by trainees themselves.

Please use the PDMDE Support Portal to inform us click here to be directed to the PGMDE Support Portal.

REMINDER: 2022 Shadowing Confirmation

We have reverted to the pre pandemic process with regards to shadowing payments:

All F1 Trainees attend 4-5 days induction/shadowing at their trust 1 week before their formal training starts on the first Wednesday of August.

Trainees who have graduated and been out of the NHS for longer than 2 years or who did not graduate from a UK Medical School are offered extended induction/shadowing, up to £1300 per IMG trainee will be available to trusts to fund extended shadowing (to a maximum of 10 days).

We have provided trusts with a spreadsheet to record extended shadowing for their IMG trainees and trainees out of the NHS for two years to be able to claim this money. Please note the deadline for submitting these is Monday 5th September 2022.


As you may know, foundation doctors may have their visa application decisions delayed (it usually takes about 3 weeks, may now be 6 weeks or more). This means that some IMGs may have to delay starting in their posts.

Please could we ask Trusts to inform us of any known Foundation doctors with visa delays, so that we can put the necessary steps in place to manage their delayed start to Foundation training, appropriately. Please use the PDMDE Support Portal to inform us click here to be directed to the PGMDE Support Portal.

REMINDER: Foundation ALS Update

We can confirm that Trusts can continue to claim the costs of ALS courses for their Foundation trainees from the study leave budget for the 2022/23 financial year.

Please note that from 1st January 2022, ALS courses will only be reimbursed up to a maximum of £275 per trainee.

As in the previous financial year we will not be providing bulk payments for these courses. Instead, we request that you claim for these courses once they are delivered via the locally-delivered tab on your study leave monthly return. Please note the usual rules for locally-delivered claims will apply – only trainees in a HEE-registered Foundation training programme can be reimbursed.

REMINDER: 2022/23 PSA FS dates

We have now contacted trusts separately who will need to make arrangements for their trainees who will be sitting the 6th September exam.

For 2022/23 sittings, all trainees who have not sat and passed the exam at Medical School will sit the exam in person, with in person invigilation.

Please note the dates for all PSA sittings (all held at 1pm):

Tuesday 6 September 2022

Monday 13th March 2023

Monday 24th April 2023

REMINDER: LTFT Category 3 Pilot expansion from Summer 2022  

Following the completion of the ‘lead in’ year, we will now transition into the full Category 3 model whereby trainees can undertake an unspecified period of time as LTFT Category

Further information on LTFT Category 3 can be found here 

  • Approval of applications must be subject to service considerations via TPD approval.  
  • Trainees must be in post at the time of application. 

From August 2022, postgraduate doctors can choose to apply to train less than full time at 50/60/70 or 80% for 12-months.  Individuals would then revert back to 100% whole time equivalent (i.e. full time) or could apply again if they wished to continue to train less than full time. Please be aware that any application to train less than full time will result in a change to your expected completion date of your foundation training programme and a reduction in pay pro rata.

LTFT Category 3 applications will be managed via application windows.  Details of the application windows are below: 

 LTFT Application Window  

For rotations commencing:  

25th July -15th August 22 


31st October- 21st November 22 


*Please note that applications can only be accepted for the start of each of your specialty rotations so if you miss a window, please apply in line with your next specialty rotation date as per above.

To submit an LTFT Category 3 application, complete the application form available here. 

If you require information about the visa implications of LTFT training, please check our ‘LTFT for trainees with a Tier 2 visa/Skilled Worker Sponsorship’ page.  

For any other questions, please contact your specialty team via the LPMDE support portal

GUIDANCE: Foundation doctors in GP and psychiatry placements contributing to acute services

Please see below link for guidance regarding Foundation doctors in community placements contributing to acute services Foundation doctors in GP and psychiatry placements contributing to acute services

GUIDANCE: Foundation Doctor Role and Responsibilities

Please use the following link to the updated ‘Foundation Doctor Role and Responsibilities within the Local Education Provider and Minimum Requirements for Clinical Supervision of Foundation Doctors’, document.

Foundation Doctor Role and Responsibilities

GUIDANCE: Foundation guidance produced by the UKFPO for Foundation Trainees

Please find below link to guidance for Foundation Trainees recently produced by the UKFPO.

Click here for guidance

*Please note: This guidance does not apply to any trainee who started either their F1 or F2 year on/after 4 August 2021, as they will be on the 2021 Foundation Programme curriculum. *

GUIDANCE: NHS employers’ guidance on induction for international medical graduates

Please find below link to guidance from NHS employers

UKFPO Bulletin

To read the latest UKFPO Bulletin access the link below:

Courses, Events, Research and Competitions

TRIPOM 2022 – 22nd September 2022

TRIPOM 2022 will showcase expert speakers in perioperative medicine as well as senior clinicians and healthcare professionals presenting local projects that are trailblazing perioperative care nationally.

TRIPOM 2022 also allows trainees and allied health professionals the opportunity to present their own work on the national stage either in the form of an oral presentation or poster.

TRIPOM 2022 is the platform to launch TRIPOM’s first educational infographic, with TRIPOM members submitting their designs to be the designer/author of the first TRIPOM infographic, spearheading our educational content for the future.

Other highlights of TRIPOM 2022 will be:

A live CPET with interactive discussion and teaching

An interactive, intra-operative fluid management simulation

Well being sessions

A free two course menu, with complimentary drinks and snacks.

To find out more about TRIPOM and join (it’s free) visit their website – 

This event is supported by CPOC, RCoA and Edwards Life Sciences.

V-Space for SuppoRTT Trainees 2022

The V-Space Coaching and Support Programme is a series of four group coaching and peer support sessions for doctors returning to training after taking time out. The small groups run for 2.5 hours every fortnight and are led by a senior group coach from the Professional Support Unit’s Coaching Service. Conducted entirely online and in a confidential setting, V-Space aims to create a supportive, confidential and structured learning environment for peer discussion. Each session draws on a range of practical coaching tools for self-reflection, goal-setting, enhanced confidence, stress management and leadership communication. 

Sessions combine experiential learning via pair and group activities with insights from guest speakers plus coaching tools and support resources. The overall aim is to assist doctors to return to training with a clear sense of their needs and objectives, as well as the support and resources to achieve these with full confidence and commitment.   

V-Space features:

  • Guest speaker slots ‘in conversation with’ trainees who have experienced typical challenges related to returning to training. They will share what they learned and the strategies and approaches they found useful.
  • Small, closed group working together every fortnight over a series of four sessions.
  • WhatsApp group for connecting with peers in between sessions.
  • Tools & resources circulated after each session to support your learning and group engagement.    


Doctors in London and the South East from any specialty, at any stage of training, and who have taken time out of training for reasons of parental leave, medical leave, academic/research purposes or a career break are welcome to apply. We also ask that participants are within a few months of taking time out or due to return to training within a few months of the group start date (see options below).  

Spaces are limited to 14 participants per group so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Please use the following link for further information and to register

Royal College of Pathologists Foundation Fellowships

Congratulations to those of you who have been appointed to a Foundation post which includes a pathology discipline. I am delighted to draw your attention to the Royal College of Pathologists Foundation Fellowship scheme, for which you are therefore eligible to apply. This is the third year of running our Foundation Fellowships, which has proved a very successful and popular scheme.

You can find details of the scheme here: RCPath Foundation Fellowships.

I do hope as many as possible of you will apply for a Fellowship and I look forward to welcoming the successful candidates to the RCPath community.

Kind regards,

Angharad Davies

Professor Angharad Davies MA MB BChir, MRCP, FRCPath, PhD, PFHEA

Vice-President (Learning), Royal College of Pathologists

Access the point of care tool BMJ Best Practice for free

BMJ Best Practice takes you quickly and accurately to the latest evidence-based information, whenever and wherever you need it.

Our step-by-step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention is updated daily using robust evidence-based methodologies. 

This tool is freely available to all healthcare professionals who work for the NHS in England. You can register for free here

If your institution would like to receive further information on BMJ Best Practice, please contact Dr. Kieran Walsh, Clinical Director at BMJ. Dr. Walsh can deliver talks for Foundation Programme doctors at their training sessions or provide information on areas such as the local HEE/BMJ clinical champion scheme. Contact Dr. Kieran Walsh at  

New video resource for foundation trainees

A new video for all foundation trainees, foundation schools and trusts, helping them to understand more about the Foundation Programme Charter, has been shared.

Please click here to launch the Foundation Programme Charter video.

Further videos including Foundation Programme Review and Self Development time can also be found here

Foundation Careers

The Careers’ Unit for London and Kent, Surrey & Sussex (part of the Professional Support Unit) is delighted to be offering our autumn programme of webinars for doctors in year two of the Foundation Programme.

With the Autumn recruitment cycle beginning in October we wondered if you would circulate the following details and links for the webinars we are offering in September and October this year.

FY2 Specialty Application Webinar

Wondering how to turn your decision about specialty choice into a successful application?  Career Planning webinars for all London and Kent, Surrey & Sussex Foundation Doctors are now booking for September.

These 1-hour webinars, delivered by the HEE Careers London team, will include key information, advice and guidance on making successful applications from making your decision, submitting the application and mastering the selection process and interviews.

Thurs 8th Sept 2022 (18:00- 19:00)

Wed 14th Sept 2022 (18:00-19:00)

To book your place please complete the application form which can be found at this link:

GAP year/F3 Specialty Options Webinar

What may be the best way to plan and take advantage of opportunities within your F3 year or beyond?

Following the success of the Gap year/F3 Options webinar, delivered earlier this year, we are once again offering this webinar , for all London and Kent, Surrey & Sussex Foundation doctors. We are now taking bookings for October. These 1 hour webinars, delivered by the HEE Careers London team, will include key information advice and guidance on what to consider to make the most of your F3 year including travel/volunteering abroad, fellowships, further study/qualifications and non-training options. 

Date and time: Thurs 6th October 2022 (18:00-19:00)

To book your place please complete the application form which can be found at this link:

Careers Conversation

All foundation trainees have the opportunity to have an individual careers conversation with one of our career coaches which can be arranged by completing the application form at the following link:

Self Awareness | London (

Career Exploration | London (

Useful links

Courses (all)


Horus - Changes and updates